Definition of Psychic Arts License – Clark County

Mystic Mona

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§ 6.12.831. Psychic arts, astrologer, spiritualist, seer and science practitioners
Latest version.
(a) Every person who carries on, practices or professes to practice the business of astrology, spiritualist, seer, psychic art, psychic science, palmistry, phrenology, life reading, fortunetelling, cartomancy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, crystal gazing, hypnotism, mediumship, prophecy, augury, divination, magic or necromancy, and demands or receives a fee for the exercise or exhibition of his art therein, directly or indirectly, or incidental to the conduct of any other business, either as a gift, donation or otherwise, or who gives an exhibition thereof at any place where an admission fee is charged, shall pay an annual license fee of one hundred fifty dollars.



The application for a license or any renewal thereof as a psychic art, astrology, spiritualist, seer, and science practitioner or similar occupation shall be made to the director, along with the payment of a sum of at least fifty dollars, and whatever other costs are needed for investigative purposes only, as provided in Section 6.08.015 of this code, which sum shall be nonrefundable. The application shall require the applicant to list any and all previous arrests, convictions, or pending litigation, except minor traffic citations, and the applicant must certify that they are true and complete. The applicant shall then present himself to the LVMPD who shall fingerprint the applicant and require such other information as to the identity of the applicant to enable the LVMPD to properly investigate the applicant’s character and reputation and arrest and conviction, and any pending litigation record. Upon the completion of such investigation, the LVMPD shall verify the accuracy and completeness of the application and report his findings to the director. The director shall complete the processing and together with the LVMPD’s report present the findings to the board. If the investigation reveals no history or reputation of the commission of crimes or the violation of law involving fraud, or obtaining money by false pretenses, and if the application is in all respects truthful and accurate, the board shall grant the application, and the director thereupon issue a license upon the payment of the fees provided in this section. No such license shall be issued to any person other than the real and actual proprietor of the business for which it is issued, and the application for such license in case of a firm, copartnership or association shall state the names of the copartners or associates and in the case of the corporation, the names of the officers, directors, stockholders and managers thereof, and the requirements of this provision pertaining to the fingerprinting, investigation and fitness of the applicant shall apply to all such persons.

(2) Upon the granting of a license, the applicant(s) shall obtain a work permit from the LVMPD pursuant to this code.

(c) Any license issued for the practice of psychic arts, astrology, spiritualist, seer, and science practitioners occupations herein enumerated shall be limited to the areas permitting professional offices or any commercial or industrial use, provided a use permit is obtained by the applicant from the Clark County department of comprehensive planning.

(d) No employee or other person shall assist the licensee in any audience or reading, nor shall any mechanical device of any description whatsoever be used by the licensee in the conduct of any interview, audience or reading.

(e) This section shall not be construed to apply to doctors, dentists or other medical practitioners licensed by the appropriate board under the Nevada Revised Statutes or to persons employed by such doctors, dentists or other medical practitioners acting under their direction and control, who use hypnotism as an aid in treatment or as a supplementary form of treatment in the course of their profession or to persons whose clientele is confined exclusively to patients referred to them by prescription from doctors, dentists and other medical practitioners licensed by the appropriate state board.

(f) Any person who is an officially registered participant at a bona fide international, national or state convention of psychic arts astrologer, spiritualist, seer and science practitioners shall be exempt from the licensing provisions of this section upon obtaining a convention participant’s license as provided in this paragraph. A convention participant’s license shall be issued upon the applicant’s complying with the following requirements:

(1) The applicant shall be at least eighteen years of age;

(2) The applicant shall produce written proof of registration in a bona fide international, national or state convention to be held at any premises operated by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority or within the public area of a hotel or motel which has a minimum of one hundred fifty rooms and maintains full resort facilities, including, without limitation, full restaurant and bar facilities and lounge entertainment;

(3) The applicant shall produce written proof that he has a valid license to practice psychic arts and sciences in the city or county in which he maintains his domicile or written proof that such licensing is not required by the city or county in which he maintains his domicile;

(4) The practice of psychic arts and sciences shall be limited to the premises in which the bona fide international, national or state convention is being held; and

(5) The applicant shall tender with the application a license fee in the sum of ten dollars for each day the convention is scheduled;

(g) No convention participant’s license shall be valid for a period of more than five days.

(Ord. 2422 § 3 (part), 1999)

All Psychic Readers in Clark County Nevada are required to hold a current Psychic Arts License.